Going Back to the Reason

The first time I was on benefits, right after graduating from uni, I had a wild dream: find a job I enjoy enough to do daily so that I can make money & still devote time to story-telling. This is what coding was supposed to be for me, my bread. But the issue with doing something you enjoy for work is that it's easy to get distracted & the distractions are welcome. It'll be 6yrs in July since completing the bootcamp I did & in that time, I haven't written (creatively) nearly as much as I've wanted to. Sure, I haven't necessarily had the time, but fear has been the bigger blocker.

But what better time to consider your life & happiness than during a pandemic. It feels like 2020 & I are fighting & just before she lands the knock-out punch, I'm looking at my where I am & what I'm doing & asking myself "is this where I want to be?".

I love coding but I wanted to be a story-teller, yet I haven't told many stories. Thankfully, there's still time.